Community Calendar

See what Wiggle 100/The True Oldies is up to and what events are happening within the community. Come back every week for new events and special broadcasts on Wiggle 100.

Updated Monday, March 10th, 2024

Have an event you want us to promote? Send it in to and put “Community Update” in the subject line with all of the important information. We’ll promote these events to the public for free!

Elmira Aviators Hockey

Friday, March 14thElmira Aviators vs Philadelphia Rebels7:00pm
Saturday, March 15thElmira Aviators vs Philadelphia Rebels7:00pm
Games are played at the LECOM Event Center in Elmira, NY

Get tickets to see Elmira Aviators Hockey!


Sunday, March 16thPennzoil 4002:30pmWiggle 100

Troy Food Pantry

The Troy Area Food Pantry is located at 532 Elmira Street in Troy (directly across from the Citgo Pump ‘N Pantry) and is open every Thursday from 11:30am to 2:00pm. Eligible people/families can stop in Once per month and must bring proof of address that you reside in the Troy School District. To learn more about eligibly, please call (570) 297-4269.

Gillett Senior Center

All men and women age 50 and over are invited for Fellowship, lunch conversation, fun, special programs, crafts, bingo, movies, music, and more. The center is open Thursdays 9am – 2pm, lunch is served at Noon. Meeting at the South Creek Community Center (the old school) behind the Post Office in Gillett. FMI call 570-596-2034 or 570-732-3567. Hope to see you there.

Celebrate Recovery

Celebrate Recovery is a faith-based group that meets on Thursday evenings at 6:30pm at the New Life Church in Canton, Pa. This program is designed to help you with any areas within your life that are separating you from freedom, peace, and recovery. From addiction to other areas you are currently struggling with, you are not alone.

Celebrate Recovery is here to help you begin your journey. Together, we share and begin to walk in recovery. For additional information or questions, please contact Bill Mathews 570-250-0055 or Tom Carman at 607-426-1623.

Common Time Choral Group

Common Time Choral Group is holding auditions on Monday, March 3rd and Monday, March 10th at Park Church on W. Gray St, Elmira NY. Rehearsals start at 6:30pm. All voices are welcome to audition but must be able to read music. For more information, call 607-738-2242

Canton Warrior Baseball Basket Bingo

Canton Warrior Baseball invites the public for an evening of Basket Bingo on Saturday, March 15th. Tickets are $20 per person and can be purchased in advance at the High School or at the event at the High School Gymnasium. Come and enjoy a fun evening and take a chance at winning one of the many baskets that will be there. Proceeds raised help Canton Warrior Baseball.

Bingo Night at Franklin Township Fire Department

The Franklin Township Fire Department will be hosting Bingo Night on Monday, March 17th. Doors open at 5:00pm and play begins at 6:00pm.

3rd Annual STEAM Festival

The Canton Elementary School will be hosting it’s 3rd Annual STEAM Festival on Thursday, March 27th from 6:00pm to 7:00pm. This event will feature organizations in Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics for students to come and learn more information about.

Chicken BBQ Benefit and Barn Quilt Raffle for Daltton Davis

A chicken bbq benefit and barn quilt raffle will be taking place on Sunday, March 30th at the Athens Township Firehall. Pick up time will be 11:30am. Cost is $14 per chicken dinner or $10 per chicken half or a monetary donation can be paid via Venmo or PayPal. Barn quilt raffle tickets are $10 for 1 or $20 for 3. (There are 3 designs. An Athens design, Sayre Design, and Waverly design.) To learn more, contact Shana Cockcroft at 607-425-1182.

All money raised from this event will go to Daltton Davis and the Davis family to help with medical expenses.

BINGO Fundraiser

The Sullivan County Agriculture Society will be hosting a BINGO Fundraiser at the Sullivan County Fairgrounds on Saturday, April 5th. Doors open at 11:00am and play begins at 1:00pm. There will be plenty of raffles and prizes throughout the day. For more information, call 570-924-3205 or email

Armenia Mountain Spurs Club Banquet

The Armenia Mountain Spurs Club will be hosting their hunting banquet at the Troy Fire Hall on Saturday, April 5th. Doors open at 3:30 with dinner at 5:00pm. For more information or to purchase tickets, contact Tom Calkins at 607-425-1055.